Exterior wash

Our exterior washing is done by hand and without using water. We use specific products for each part of the vehicle’s exterior. Manual washing ensures a better result than washing with water, which can scratch your bodywork due to the pressure of the jet.

How s cleaning done?

We use specific products for each part of the vehicle. Each material has different needs and we take care of them separately. With ultra-soft microfiber cloths, special for bodywork, we clean every part of the vehicle as it deserves.

To clean the bodywork we use a product that contains carnauba wax with triple action; It encapsulates dirt to prevent it from scratching the vehicle when cleaning it, leaves a layer of varnish that protects the body from external agents and lastly, leaves a shine that makes it look like it just came from the dealership. In addition, we clean and nourish exterior plastics to restore their original shine and make them last much longer, including tires.

What includes?

* In vehicles over 1.8m high we do not include the outside of the roof for safety.

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    Exterior wash